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Isagenix Autoship


When setting up your autoship there are a few key factors that we concentrate on which will help you in numerous ways!

When you first look at your autoship after you have opened up your account with Isagenix - in your back office there is a button that says "Manage Autoship". Once you click on that tab, you will be in your autoship. There is another button to click on that says "edit autoship". 


Here you have access to add, adjust, delete anything you would like in your own account or your teams accounts. 

Here you can add products to you monthly shipment, delete items, adjust a charity donation to Make A Wish at anytime. 


Team Key Points!!


Have your Autoship set for 29 days out. There is a physical calender and a numeric calender. Have BOTH set 29 days out from your active date.


The benefit of 29-day autoship versus 30 day.
A commission week runs Monday, 12:00am through Sunday, 11:59pm (EST). Commissions are calculated one week in arrears on the following Monday and then paid to our Associates within 1-2 business days to either an E-Count Card or IsaWallet account, depending on what an Associate has chosen.

An easy way to determine when you will receive your commissions is to find the Sunday for your week-ending on a calendar. Draw a line diagonal to the Monday of the following week. This is when the commission will be calculated. On the Tuesday or Wednesday of that same week is when you should expect your commission payout. Does that make sense?

The benefit of 29-day autoship versus 30 day.

Active Status - 100 BV is your "rent" for your Isa business. (BV=Business Volume)

The computer checks when an order goes through your account to see if in the last 30 days you "paid your rent" i.e. made a 100 BV order. If you “paid your rent” (in this case 29 days ago) it places the 100 BV from your current order into your lower BV leg.

In order to keep our accounts 'active' we need to order 100 points every 30 days.

If your autoship is 150 BV, the system will 'take' the first 100 to maintain active status, and you bank the rest of the points (50 BV) in whichever leg you need them the most. If your autoship is set to 29 days or less, you bank the ENTIRE BV amount from the order!!

Your own PV (Personal Volume) will always go to the leg with the lessor volume on it; which is not always the leg that needs the volume to cycle

And what is a cycle you may ask? 300 BV on one "leg", 600 BV on the other "leg"


One step closer to Financial Freedom!!


BE your own boss
WORK your own hours
CREATE residual income
DETERMINE your own worth GET out of debt
BUILD your savings
CREATE an early retirement plan

Business Links


  • Receive up to 15% off wholesale prices on all paks and systems.

  • Get a reduced annual membership fee of $29—a $10 savings!

  • Receive samples of the latest Isagenix products. 



• Ensure you maintain active status so you can qualify for commissions.

• Be eligible to bank your team’s volume. Think of it as a savings account that’s just waiting for you to cash in when you’re ready to build your business.

• Qualify for exclusive sales promotions and contests. Isagenix has more than $20 million up for grabs in bonuses, contests and more, but you have to be on Autoship to start earning!

• Qualify for health, dental, and vision insurance. 

First Thing is First - ENROLL - Sign Up and Save! 

Let's Get Started!


Step 1.   Sign Up and Save with Isagenix
Step 2.   The Basics - You Plus Two Them Plus Two

Step 3.   Get Your Products Paid For



Sharing with Family and Friends


Step 4.     Steps For Getting Started  

Step 5/6. Who Will Want To Join Isagenix with YOU!

Step 7.     How to Enroll Others - Referrals

Step 8.     Sharing Isagenix - Your Isagenix Website

Step 9.     Autoship Information


Get Paid

6 Ways To Get Paid With Isagenix

  1. Retail Profits on Sale of Products

  2. Product Introductory Bonuses (PIB's)

  3. Team Bonuses

  4. Executive Matching Team Bonuses

  5. Incentives

  6. Promotions


Business Opportunity




Step 10.  Isagenix Business Opportunity


Step 11.  Business Opportunity Videos


Step 12. Isagenix Podcasts


Step 13. Isagenix Business Sites for Building and Training


Step 14. Business Product Paks

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