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What is Isagenix?

Isagenix is the ultimate nutritional cleansing transformation system to combat the toxins in our environment, improve body composition and slow the aging process. Today’s lifestyles put more demands on our bodies than ever before. Environmental pollutants, work/life stresses, poor nutrition and other daily pressures are constantly increasing. Our bodies require specialized support to assist in removing toxins and impurities. Isagenix offers many solutions to support a healthy lifestyle. 

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With an emphasis on dairy-based or plant-based nutritional products that are low in fat and sodium, Isagenix clearly makes following a healthy weight-loss plan easy. Moreover, the Isagenix system is clinically studied and has demonstrated itself to deliver superior results in comparison to a general “heart healthy” diet plan. After 10 weeks, subjects on the Isagenix system in comparison to those on a “heart healthy” diet lost more weight, more body fat, and more visceral body fat that led to improved cardiovascular risk factors.  Amazing Results with nutritional cleansing. READ MORE

Isagenix offers revolutionary blends of complex botanicals and minerals uniquely designed to offer the best telomere-supporting product on the market. Experience increased energy, improved fitness and a general feeling of youthfulness and vigor by using the anti aging products in the fight against aging. READ MORE

It is no secret that whey protein is the best form of protein for building and maintaing muscle. When athletes want to gain an edge, they turn to whey.  Nutrition is a critical aspect of any athlete’s training regimen. This fact continues to be recognized among college teams and even professional sports, who are now including nutritionists and dietitians on their staff. Athletes must receive quality nutrition to perform optimally and prevent injury. Nutrient timing in combination with high-quality products that Isagenix has to offer is a sure way for competitive athletes to be at the top of their games. READ MORE

Welcome to Isagenix! Let us be your vehicle for financial freedom and a lifetime of satisfaction helping others. The Isagenix Team Compensation Plan provides substantial income-earning potential and generously rewards your personal efforts, while allowing you to leverage your time and help others achieve success. READ MORE

The revolutionary practice of Nutritional Cleansing, which can result in greater health, well-being and weight loss, is the foundation in which Isagenix® and its systems were developed.

Nutritional Cleansing is built upon the health routine of cleansing, including fasting and drinking herbal remedies, which has been practiced throughout history. Cleansing gives the body the chance to rest, regenerate and assist in its natural ability to remove toxins and impurities to promote long-term wellness. However, Nutritional Cleansing improves upon this ancient practice with a system that cleanses, replenishes and revitalizes the body with essential nutrients. Fasting helps to remove impurities from the body, but Nutritional Cleansing speeds up this process by infusing the body with healthy nutrients.

In simple terms, Nutritional Cleansing can be compared to changing the oil in your car. We regularly change the oil in our cars because it gets dirty and clogged by pollutants. We drain the dirty oil and replace it with clean oil, which helps our cars to run more efficiently. The same can be said for our bodies. We are regularly exposed to pollutants in our environment, impurities in our diets and stress that is often created by our hectic lifestyles. Nutritional Cleansing helps the body and organs to do what they are designed to do naturally and remove impurities.

Isagenix has created the practice of Nutritional Cleansing and developed systems that help to promote optimum health. Isagenix systems focus on a complete approach to greater health and wellness with Nutritional Cleansing, a low-calorie meal routine and taking essential daily nutrients. Cleanse Days are a period of low-calorie intake, with no meals and only suggested snacks, accompanied by our Cleanse for Life™ liquid nutritional supplement, which replenishes the body with essentials vitamins and minerals. The low-calorie meal routine consists of Shake Days where one to two meals are replaced with healthier options such as nutrient-rich IsaLean® Shakes, Bars or Soups. The third meal is a suggested low-calorie, nutrient-dense meal. The final component of our systems is an infusion of essential nutrients, which includes daily supplements taken that provide essential vitamins and minerals to optimize health.

Our Nutritional Cleansing systems are not a “quick-fix” or a diet, but a means to creating a healthy, manageable lifestyle. The benefits of Nutritional Cleansing, combined with the convenience of a complete wellness system, has given people the ability to change their lives in remarkable ways and has created greater health and safe, lasting weight loss for hundreds of thousands of people. 

*Weight-loss results may vary.

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