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Isagenix Nutritional Cleansing Schedules

Different Ways to CLEANSE...Dont be confused!

There are different ways to cleanse based on your situation.

Let's break it all down for ya!

Daily Cleansing: This is when you take 1-2 oz of Cleanse for Life Liquid or 1-2 scoops of Cleanse for life Powder at night before bed on an empty stomach. The benefits are nutritional, providing great nutrients for the body's nighttime rejuvenation and provide very mild cleansing benefits.

1-Day Cleanse: This is considered a moderate cleanse and begins when you arise in the morning and ends the following morning. Follow your cleanse guide provided in your cleansing system. Your guide reads per day- 4 serving of Cleanse for LifeT, 2 capsules of Natural AcceleratorsT, 6 SnacksT, 2-4 IsaDelight Chocolates, minimum of 64 oz. of purified water. An organic apple cut into 8th's just in case of low blood sugar.

2-Day Cleanse: This is considered a deep cleanse and begins when you arise in the morning and ends at 8am or when you arise on the morning the 3rd day (this is a 48 hour period or 2 full days). Follow your cleanse guide provided in your cleansing system. Your guide reads per day: 4 serving of Cleanse for LifeT, 2 capsules of Natural Accelerators, 6 Snacks, 2-4 IsaDelight Chocolates, minimum of 64 oz. of purified water. An organic apple cut into 8th's just in case of low blood sugar.

Our Founder and Formulator, John Anderson, of Isagenix, recommends all of the above options. He always shares that the magic happens in a full 2-Day Cleanse.

It is strongly discouraged to cleanse into the 3rd day.

There is a schedule that some recommend that suggests beginning your cleanse at night, cleansing through the following day, into day 2 and then on the night of day 2, break your cleanse with a shake. This method would be considered an 18 hour cleanse.

This is acceptable however it is not to replace the deep 2 Day Cleanse mentioned above. Counting hours when you are sleeping technically does not count. True cleansing requires you to be up and awake, moving the body, consuming water and Cleanse for Life, hence this being dubbed an 18 hour cleanse.

No matter what system you use or what cleansing option listed above, you have flexibility. For example, some people can only cleanse for a 1/2 day while others are geared up for 2-Day Cleanses immediately.

Be flexible, listen to your body and know what’s right for you. Try the 2-Day deep cleanse when you're ready.

This cleanse consists of using the Isagenix products to achieve nutritonal cleansing benefits.

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